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Barron Trump Being Defended by Monica Lewinsky Over Cyberbullying

Monica Lewinsky came to Barron Trump’s rescue after he faced bullying during the first few days of Donald Trump’s presidency.

Barron Trump, 10, was bullied by SNL writer Katie Rich allegedly tweeted about him. Even Chelsea Clinton about his right to be a child.

barron trump tweet by katie rich

Later Katie apologized for that too.

Many disapproved of this cyberbullying act. It is not only about Katie’s remarks on Barron alone, every other child should be left to be a child.

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Monica herself was bullied for many years after her scandal at the White House with Bill Clinton.

Monica Lewinsky tweeted,

“All children need to be protected from bullying + mockery. (incl #barrontrump). let’s be better than this,” Monica tweeted out on Monday (January 23).

baron trump15 ml tweet

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Barron Trump Being Defended by Monica Lewinsky Over Cyberbullying

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