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What is An Executive Order & How It Can Be Reversed?

Since taking oath on January 20th Donald Trump has signed 19 executive actions so far. These range from freezing all pending regulations until they are approved by the establishment to various others including immigration and travel ban that barred citizens from Seven muslim-majority countries.
What really is an executive order/action?
Columbia Law professor and former Associate Counsel to President Jimmy Carter defines, “It is a set of instructions released by the president to the respective authorities and executive branch.”

Can An Executive Order be Reversed?

The legislative and judicial branches bother retain the authority to reverse, stop or halt it.

According to Business Insider
If the president issues an executive order in accordance with a law passed by the legislative branch and Congress disagrees, they can pass a bill clarifying the law. However, the president has the power of the veto, in which case Congress would have to override the veto with a two-thirds majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

If, however, an executive order pertains to the president’s independent constitutional responsibilities, then only the courts can reverse it. Bobbitt uses the example of Emancipation Proclamation, an executive order issued by Abraham Lincoln in accordance with his power as commander-in-chief. While Congress did not have the power to override that order, the courts could have declared it unconstitutional.

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What is An Executive Order & How It Can Be Reversed?

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