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The Most Racist Countries in European Union Mapped

After the recent migration crisis, the world observed tremendous rise in migrant numbers, especially to Europe, owing to the continent’s geographical proximity to the most devastated and badly ruined countries like Syria. As the crisis grew, the attitudes of most Europeans changed. Most countries didn’t have much necessary wherewithal to sustain migration at this level, their citizens weren’t used to see aliens thronging their streets in such numbers, this phenomenon ultimately led to odd native behaviors and a discernable shift in their attitudes, the manners and approaches to migrants are now evolving.


In 2015 the European Union Commission asked people from all 28 member states some very pertinent questions, the questionnaire was quite exhaustive, and interestingly the data thus collected had some sneering statistical story to tell.


On August 12, 2017, a gentleman named Bezzleford, an American social news aggregation, web content rating and discussion website, Reddit, planted this empirical data on the EU map. Today, that mapping is widespread, the map has received some 1800 online upvotes, and has since been reposted by someone with web pseudonym “blueeyedblonde69”. The map covers just four of the many questions asked. Less than half of the people asked confided they would approve their children to date people from ethnic nomadic “Roma” group, similarly almost same number of people approved of their children going out with transgenders.


In spite of such widespread discrimination many still believed that visible minorities may be protected and measures should be adopted to safeguard their interests. This was necessary more so on account of telling the rest of the world that European Union wasn’t callous to the plight of such hapless people and they did care.


Such data though in some cases could be flawed as data collection is done over a long period of time and by them human attitudes may change. Similarly in most Western countries, racism is a taboo subject, so the people may not have been entirely truthful in their answers. 

The Bezzleford Maps covering four of the many questions:





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The Most Racist Countries in European Union Mapped

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