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11 Best First World Problems Memes on Internet

First world problems are complaints and frustrations that people in wealthy, developed countries have about things that are really just trivial and meaningless. People who aren’t fortunate enough to live in the ‘first world’ would roll their eyes at some of the so-called first world problems people experience. Have you ever experienced any of these 11 first world problems?

1. Haven’t we all done this?

iphone memes
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2. At least it can be broken up into smaller pieces

doggo meme

3. What a tragic situation to find yourself in

funny first world problems

4. Decisions, decisions

daily life memes
11 Best First World Problems Memes on Internet 13

5. Ah the problems of pouring fizzy drinks

first world problems meme 5

6. Poor earlobes

lady meme

7. Spoiled for choice

cat meme funny
11 Best First World Problems Memes on Internet 14

8. You wonder why so many people pay thousands upon thousands for their education these days

college memes
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9. Yet there are some who will never in their lifetime even see a $100 bill

pizza memes
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10. It’s a vicious circle

video game memes

11. Wi-Fi is more important to many of us than water or air

first world memes

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11 Best First World Problems Memes on Internet

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