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Shocking Footage From Berkeley Brawl – 21 Arrested After Trump Supporters Attacked Opponents

A Trump supporter was caught on tape punching a female anti-Trump protestor as violence erupted today in Berkeley, California.

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Photo: LA Times

Trump supporters brawled with opponents in Berkeley amid a free speech rally. At least 21 people have been arrested as Trump supporters and opponents clashed amid a pro-Trump rally at Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park. More than 250 Police officers were called immediately to the scene and arrests were made.

According to LA Times,

Fistfights broke out near Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park, where Trump supporters had scheduled a rally. Fireworks and smoke bombs were thrown into the crowd, and a few demonstrators were doused with pepper spray.

Both groups threw rocks and sticks at each other and used a large trash bin as a battering ram as the crowd moved around the perimeter of the park. One bank boarded up its ATMs before the rally as a precaution.

Some of the stuff recovered by the CA Police.

A severe fist fight ensued

An anti-Trump woman smacked down by a Pro-Trump very shocking.

This is the third time a severe fight has been broke out in Berkeley.

As reporter by the Mirror how actually the brawl started

Meanwhile, thousands of people turned out for a march through midtown Manhattan on Saturday to demand that President Donald Trump release his tax returns and to dispute his claim that the public does not care about the issue.

Organizers of New York’s “Tax March,” one of more than 150 across the country and beyond, want to call attention to Trump’s refusal to disclose his tax history, as his White House predecessors have done for more than 40 years.

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Shocking Footage From Berkeley Brawl – 21 Arrested After Trump Supporters Attacked Opponents

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