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The Quebec Mosque Terrorist Charged With Murdering Six People

 The sole suspect involved in the Quebec city mosque shooting has been charged with premeditated murdering of six people, to what Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recognized “a Terrorist attack”. QUEBEC CITY/TORONTO (REUTERS).

alexandre bissonette2
NONE Photos from the facebook account of Alexandre Bissonette, believed to be one of the shooters involved in the Quebec City mosque attack.
Uploaded by: Goffin, Peter via: TheStar

The concerned court has identified a French-Canadian university student being the sole suspect on the basis of documents surfaced by the authorities that show the gunman who attacked the evening prayers as Alexandre Bissonnette, 27, has been charged with 6 murder counts, 5 counts of attempt-to-murder with a controlled weapon.

He appeared in the briefly under the very tight security wearing a white garment and looking terribly downcast.

Victims of the Quebec mosque shooting include Khaled Belkacemi (left) and Azzedine Soufiane (right) photo

The prosecutors proclaimed though all the evidence would take some time to be ready and Bissonnette is supposed to appear again on Feb. 21. Neither any charge was read nor did he enter a plea.

According to the police and authorities, “The six men killed were recognized as a butcher, a university professor, a pharmacist and also an accountant.”

The Guinea government has assured among the six killed in the mosque attack, two were Guinea citizens.

Police has shrugged to discuss the possible motive for the shooting at Centre Culturel Islamique de Quebec.

A Canadian source concerned with the situation said,

“They consider this a lone wolf situation.”

However, the U.S. government security experts in Washington opined,

“The gunman most likely was motivated by hatred for Muslims.”

Photo: The Star

The PM Trudeau, who had made his mind and welcomed refugees and immigrants from Muslim-majority countries said in Ottawaparliament,

“Make no mistake, this was a terrorist attack.”

He had included a personal message to Canadian 1 million Muslims:

“Know that we value you. You enrich our shared country in immeasurable ways. It is your home. Last night’s horrible crime against the Muslim community was an act of terror committed against Canada and against all Canadians. We will grieve with you. We will defend you. We will love you. And we will stand with you.”

The parliament had also observed a moment of silence. To Quebec, a city of just 500,000 citizens, the attack was not less than out of character that reported only 2 murders in the year 2015. Mass shooting rarely or never happen in Canada, where gun control laws forbid keeping guns and are stricter than the U.S.

The Islamophobic incidents have risen in Quebec recently. The scarves and Islam related clothing had been an issue during the 2015 election, particularly in Quebec, where the majority supported a ban on it during citizenship celebrations.

A spoke person for the Quebec City University Hospital said, “Five people are severely injured excluding the six already dead and 12 more are treated for minor injuries.”

The President of the United States of America, Donald Trump had offered the condolences on phone to Trudeau, said the spokesperson for Trudeau, Cameron Ahmad “and offered to provide any assistance as needed.”


The owner of a halal butcher by the mosque who was father of four was also among those killed, said by the friend of one of the people at the mosque, Pamela Sakinah El-hayet.

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The Quebec Mosque Terrorist Charged With Murdering Six People

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