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12+Best Cat Comics You’d Have Ever Seen By Lulu VanHoagland Immensely Redefine The Wisdom of Cats

Cats are cutely created creatures by God. Sometimes, it becomes very difficult to understand them. There are amazing people like lady Lulu VanHoagland who help us understand bit of cats’ mind.

Her cat comics shows us amazing world of cats and let us understand their witty part that they want us to know about and laugh at.

Theresa Hoagland, the American artist famous for webcomics has created wonderful Boober cat comic series which is named after her fur-buddy.

Her comic series is getting attention gradually since it was started in the January and she has opened an e-shop at Etsy where she sells articles inspired by boober and other animals.

Theresa’s efforts are applauded because it helps creating a cult where feline friends considered to be equally important part of household along with other family members.




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12+Best Cat Comics You’d Have Ever Seen By Lulu VanHoagland Immensely Redefine The Wisdom of Cats

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