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This Man Has to Undergo A Lot of Pain to Entertain His Audience

For the VERY first 13 year Turner’s life his parents did not know the reason behind his skin’s unusual stretchability when a minor injury proved a havoc. In the end after seeing various doctors they came to know that he suffered from Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), a genetic disorder very rare indeed that altogether weakens the patient’s joints and veins to perform normally.

He pursued a career at London Wonder Ground “freak show” by showing the skin-stretches to a greater length than any other person. The truth is he has to go a lot of pain but he has to see his crowd’s love and entertainment being the basic priorities.

According to The Guinness World Records This Man Has The True Stretchable Skin

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He Never Feels Bad For His Skin or Working in The Freak Show

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Here is the detailed video regarding the stretchy skin and how he manages all through for long. The truth his he has to take pain killers to ignore the severe pain in joints.


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This Man Has to Undergo A Lot of Pain to Entertain His Audience

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