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Animals That Held & Broke Records at Guinness World Records

The Guinness World Record breakers among animals are many for various reasons along with details attached to them. We have picked the five of them to show you how good they are at certain levels and to what extent.

Here is the example of animals that hold records. 

Animals are really awesome and they should always be considered so. Have a look at these beautiful people of wildlife world.

#1 The World’s Oldest Manatee Is The One You Are Looking At Right Now in This Image:

Oldest manatee header tcm25 447814


#2 World’s Oldest Pig Living

Pig story article main tcm25 329427

#3 Meet The Tallest Living Horse in The World

This is really the tallest one.

#4 The Longest Ears on A Dog Ever

The record is broken by this fellow and he really deserves to be reckon as so. Just look at the drooling ear drooping too deep, hell yeah.

Longest ears on a dog ever Tigger tcm25 436248
Longest ears on a dog ever Tigger portrait tcm25 436249

#5 Most Balls Caught With Paws

This dog is awesome just look at his talent and true sportsmanship, a true living legend.

most balls caught by a dog with the paws in one minute header tcm25 395328

Here is the very relevant video.

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Animals That Held & Broke Records at Guinness World Records

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