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The Private And Public Life of Celebrities Revealing Single Portraits

The truth about the private lives of celebrities is that the films reveal nothing and people take them for granted the way camera represents them. Generally, we generalize the circumstances that their director puts them in and they reprise the roles.

To distinguish between the two persona, photographer Andrew H. Walker volunteered to capture the both in a single portrait to show their lesser known sides to the world and give them liberty to enjoy it at the same time. This really tells a lot. If you got guts to recognize the emotions entrapped in these photos you are absolutely on the spot.

Sigourney Weaver 

andrew walker celebrity diptych 18

Taraji P. Henson

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Richard Gere

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Rachel Weisz 

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Rami Malek

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Miles Teller

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Jeremy Renner 

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Jeffrey Tambor

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Anne Hatheaway

andrew walker celebrity diptych 2

Elisabeth Moss

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Ewan McGregor

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The Private And Public Life of Celebrities Revealing Single Portraits

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