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Loathsome- Tennessee Parents Try to Sell A Baby Online on Craigslist

It is every parent’s duty to do whatever it requires to ensure the safety of a child. It was the reason a woman from Tennessee was unbelievably horrified when she saw this inanity being done to a child by own parents.

Pamela Wise was searching for some professional help and supplies on Craiglist last week to fix up a vintage camper that was left in her yard unattended. When she was leafing through the online ads on sidebar one adoption ad caught her attention.

on phone

“I thought, well I’ll just look and see what it is,” Wise said. Actually the ad was from a nearby lady, so Wise thought to reach and find more details. “She said, I have a five-month-old, I said boy or girl, she said it’s a little boy, five months old, and you can adopt him, you can have him, I’ll sell him to you,” Wise said.

Soon Wise come to know that the woman was not trying actually SELLING THE BABY for some money, she immediately went for Elizabethton Police Department.


“She said what problem do you have, and I said there is a lady trying to sell me her baby on Craigslist. Next thing I knew a detective and lady from the Carter County Department of Human Services was there,” Wise said.

The Police thankfully took Wise’s call seriously and start negotiating on a price with the mother and soon settled on a time and place to finalize the deal.

“They talked and negotiated a price, and they were wanting to sell their five-month-old baby for $3,000,” said Greene County Sheriff Pat Hankins.

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“We were anticipating more of a scam or someone that was fixing to rob someone. Once you walked up there and really looked in that baby carriage, and saw that little child, that’s when it gave you the sick feeling of what was going on,” Hankins said. John Cain and Deanna Greer are in jail now after arrest and facing felony charges. The baby is in a safe custody.

“I just think the Lord put me in the right place at the right time to save his little life,” Wise said. “That little baby had a little angel watching over him, and that angel will always be with him.”

Watch the video below to see the parents being suspects. Let us know about your views in comments.

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Loathsome- Tennessee Parents Try to Sell A Baby Online on Craigslist

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