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This Photo Essay Earmarks The 100th Birthday of Brazilian Twins & They Look Hale And Hearty

“I was aware of their existence and I decided to give them a present with this beautiful photographic essay. They are beautiful and very cute! I’ve never met anyone so old, especially twins. They deserve it and the rehearsal was beautiful,” says the photographer.

Maria Pignaton Pontin and Paulina Pignaton Pandolfi the twin sisters are about to turn centenarians have been feasting with a photo essay to start on the next year of their lives. This collection of photos was taken on Monday, in Ilha do Frade in the city of Vitoria, Brazil.

The photographer, Camila Lima, says that they occupy the post of older twins of the Holy Spirit who hold the second place on National level.

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See the life in their eyes.

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They look so hale and hearty and full of life. It gives everyone a sigh of relief that being healthy and adorable at the age of 100 is possible.

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Ensaio fotográfico com gêmeas brasileiras de 100 anos é a coisa mais encantadora de todas! ❤Saiba mais—> #yahoobr

Posted by Yahoo Brasil on Tuesday, May 16, 2017

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This Photo Essay Earmarks The 100th Birthday of Brazilian Twins & They Look Hale And Hearty

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