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LG Introduces W Series Wall-Mount OLED TVs 2017

Recently LG has launched the W Series Wallpaper OLED TV at the CES 2017. This outstanding ultrathin TV could be used as a Wallpaper is 2.57mm thin. It is very thin that you could wall-mount it simply well and it fits the best way.

All the accessories are incorporated into Dolby Atmos 4.2 soundbar, attached with a sliced ribbon cable. Soon this LG W Series would adorn your apartments’ and homes’ walls in both 65-inch and 75-inch models.

via: q8

LG W Series Wallpaper OLED LG W Series Wallpaper OLED Size LG W Series Wallpaper OLED With Speakers

g7 lg w7photo credit: hdtvtest

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LG Introduces W Series Wall-Mount OLED TVs 2017

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