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The Muralist Draws Realistic Lifesize Women in Water That Are Too Alluring to Avoid

Self-taught artist Sean Yoro, became a famous name when he his first mural caught the public eye. He is all given to street art now. His water murals are very famous and publicized across the globe and he is becoming more of a celebrity.

He grew up on the Eastside of Oahu. Previously he spent time on surfing until he fell for Graffiti and tattooing. He paints under the name Hula.

.His preferred places are the ones that are abandoned such forgotten walls and docks etc.

“He really knows the art to bring to life the faces he paints, they look more lively and moving.”

Hula’s work has been featured on CNN, The Huffington Post, The Guardian, Daily Mail and Hi-Fructose Magazine etc.

Source | Instagram

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The Muralist Draws Realistic Lifesize Women in Water That Are Too Alluring to Avoid

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