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Instant Remedy to Get Fair Complexion in 5 Minutes

It is hard to lookafter skin properly in summer specially when you are exposed to sun multiple times. Therefore, here is a simple method to help you make it shine immediately.

before and after wrinkle cream

The 2 stage method is an absolute panacea that strikes perfect brilliance, just follow these steps.

Step 1 – Use a cotton ball to cleanse your skin properly first with absorbed rose water

a) Add 2 tbs of rice flour in a bowl

b) Add 3 tbs of cucumber juice and 1 of turmeric

c) Mix it well and your homemade scrub is almost there

d) Rub it for 5 minutes on your face so well that skin absorbs it.

e) Wash your face with fresh water
emily before and afterpng

In the 2nd step we will follow other ingredients

1- Take 2 tbs of sandalwood powder in a bowl

2- Add 2 tbs of rose water with 1 tbs of honey

3- Mix it well and apply it on your face for 20 to 25 minutes with smooth rubbing

4- Finally wash your face with fresh water

5- Now if you apply a toner and moisturizer it will stun you

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Instant Remedy to Get Fair Complexion in 5 Minutes

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