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Man Had to Undergo A Surgery After Making A Common Hygiene Error at Gym

We think it’s safe to go washing ourselves barefoot after workout. One man did that and unfortunately met with harsh consequences. A guy from Texas had a flesh-eating bug infected him while taking a shower in gym.

He has issued a warning to all the gym-goers, he used American Radio Station Houston’s 94.5 to send the message and share his story.

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One day he forgot his sandals while going under a shower despite he wore flip flops every day. It was not too long until he noticed a rough hard spot under his foot, which gradually spread turning into a plantar wart.

Actually he contacted a human papilloma virus (HPV) a foot infection. Sadly, being on a training spree for a marathon he completely ignored it for half a hear.

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He said: ”Not wanting to impact my training, I let it go and tried to treat it using any remedy I could find online.

“I tried duct tape, banana peels, vinegar, and OTC acid treatments with no success.

“It wasn’t until after my run approximately six months later that I went and saw someone.”

After undergoing various failed medical treatments this guy opted for skin graft surgery just two months using fish scales for foot repair, alas! he is still unable to walk for a month.

He added: “Do yourself a favour, wear shoes in any public area where there is water.

“The scary thing is, the virus can live for over two years on the surfaces. Take care of your feet so they can take care of you.”

Sadly! this is not the only guy who was affected by a flesh-eating bug or bacteria. Ryan Lankford, an other guy, was in his garage when, in the process, his shoulder bashed on old toolbox, just in weeks his arm swelled that he did not realize until doctors told him about necrotising fasciitis disease that he contacted.

It meant a flesh eating bug etc. got inside his body through skin and started eating flesh.

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Man Had to Undergo A Surgery After Making A Common Hygiene Error at Gym

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