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15 Weirdest Shoes Ever Made

weirdest shoe designs in the world

People say shoes can say a lot about a person and are an essential component to every outfit; however, have these shoes made a fashion statement to be avoided? Check out these weirdest shoes ever made.

#1 Open Toe

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This shoe takes peep toe to the next level, with a complete open toe! Be sure to get a pedicure before wearing these bizarre shoes.

#2 Trotters

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This shoe looks as though it was insoired by both natural elements and very man made elements, with the white furry trotter being heeled with a gold pistol gun – perfect for a Mr Tumness inspired outfit.

#3 The Fish Flop

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These are official the most natural yet hilarious shoe yet, yes this really is a fish flop! Be careful not to wear these too close to see as they might swim off.

#4 Slingfront’s

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Instead of sling back heel, here we have the sling front with the whole shoe being designed like the childhood game of slingshots.

#5 Framed Heel

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These heels look slightly like scaffolding or maybe a walking frame, either way they look impossible to walk in and not too pretty!

#6 Barbie Wedge

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These Barbie wedges are actually pretty cool even if it does look slightly creepy! They make a pretty bold statement being jammed under a white leather boot.

#7 Spider Platform

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via smashinglists

We’re not sure what’s more scary, how high these platforms are or that there is a giant tarantula crawling around underneath you.

#8 Stiletto

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Even a ballerina would struggle with the angle of these ridiculous heels! Although they might look pretty, we don’t think anyone would look good walking in them.

#9 Scissor Or Shoe

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These shoes could double up as a pair of scissors, with a back to front heel that causes you to tip forward!

#10 Wired

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These wire frame shoes are really bizarre, as natural as the barefoot looks the wire makes them look harsh and cold.

#11 Pokemon Clog

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These shoes probably combine some of the best two things in the world, Pokemon and shoes! However, they are very clonky looking clogs and not very practical.

#12 Giraffe Legs

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These giraffe legged heels are pretty hilarious and quite majestic at the same time. These are perfect zoo party footwear.

#13 Sandwich Sandal

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This is the ultimate combination, sandwiches and sandals!! We probably wouldn’t want to eat what we walk on but the idea is pretty cool.

#14 Teethy Toes

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These are pretty creepy actually, we imagine these are the shoes that the tooth fairy likes to wear!

#15 Meat Loafer’s

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Although we use leather and suede as shoes, we don’t think red raw meat works quite as well!  You’d have to watch out for any dog walkers or hot pavements as your shoes will either be eaten or cooked!

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15 Weirdest Shoes Ever Made

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