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Dont Hide These Skin Spots This Home Remedy Can Cure Them in A Month

Age spots generally start appearing on the skin of people who are over 50 years of age. These are known with different names such as liver spots, black or brow spots etc. They differ in size and appear on various spots of your skin such as hands, face, arms and shoulders.

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Possible Causes

There are various theories behind age spots. Even doctors wont give you a straight answer they could be caused by aging, excessive production of skin pigmentation or ultra violet rays.

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Actual Causes

The continuous exposure to UV rays is the most possible cause according to a skin specialist. Melanin, pigmentation ever present in the upper epidermis of skin is responsible for coloration of our skin. When our skin is exposed to Ultra Violet light the production increases greatly and results in the spots for skin protection. That is the natural phenomenon.

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A Tanning bed is considered a cause by some doctors.

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Skin Type

Fair-skinned people are more likely to develop age spots earlier than others.

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Best Home Remedies and Care

Stay safe from exposition to Ultra Violet rays. It is hard when you are on a beach. But still, care is the best medicine.

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When one should consult a doctor

When you see they are growing in a great number and spreading all over your skin, is the time to consult a doctor.

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Crush an onion and make slices as small as possible. Then put it in a blender and also add apple cider vinegar to it before blending. Take the blended juice and apply it on age spots with the help of cotton. This is the best remedy used for years.

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Dont Hide These Skin Spots This Home Remedy Can Cure Them in A Month

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