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China’s Shangdong Aircraft Carrier Might be Customized to Counter The US in South China Sea

Chinese State Media says “The second heavy aircraft carrier of China has been making steady progress and it could start patrolling South China Sea by 2019.” 

Chinas second aircraft carrier may c31f55393a1dcd2792de58babd8260c8Image: Yahoo News

The South China Morning Post reported that “The carrier was taking shape.”

“It will be used to tackle the complicated situations in the South China Sea,” said by Chinese media earlier.

Chinas second aircraft carrier may 2d6b5c93a8db578fab6b12646246d02fImage: Yahoo News

Such a very alarming situation arose from Beijing’s claim to an extensive portion of South China Sea almost 85%, which earns $5 trillion in trade per annum. China seemed to have already built powerfully militarized network on Islands and has declared them “no fly or no sail” zones.

The International Court of Arbitration ruled the claims put up illegally by China and recently Trump team promised to check the unnecessary aggression of China.

However, China has designated aircraft carrier sitting on the soil and awaiting to repulse any impending danger and the other is in making. The second carrier likely to be called, “Shangdong” almost like the same Liaoning, the first one, entirely laden heavily with necessities like the Soviet Russian carriers.

Chinese carriers are the same Russian-like Admiral Kuznetzov which feature ski-sloping models. Whereas, the Americans use gadgets that propel the planes to be launched off the ship. The Russian and Chinese designs lack the attribute of launching heavily armored planes that Americans can. In a nutshell, despite being designed well lack the main feature that limits their proficiency.

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China’s Shangdong Aircraft Carrier Might be Customized to Counter The US in South China Sea

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