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An American Man Claims The British Throne Says He is The Rightful Descendant

LONDON — An American man from Colorado, Allan V. Evans says he is the rightful claimant to the throne of England. He says that he is a descendant of a royal Welsh bloodline. His ad published in the ad space in “The Times” claiming to be the rightful British king.

The tweet below shows that Evan “An American has taken out a big ad space in “the Times” to say he’s the rightful king & intends to seize power, is a direct descendant of an unbroken primogeniture line legally documented since the 3rd century in Great Britain and registered in the Royal College of Arms.”

It defines the claimant’s lineage descended from Cunedda Wledig, the real founder of the Kingdom of Wales. As the ad goes on, he (Evans) has also mentioned the legal notice to the relatives too. He plans to claim his royal historic estate, land, assets and titles within 30 days and will not claim until the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

It is on the first edition page 53

He “shall further pursue an injustice of history by claiming by right the throne and sovereign crown of Great Britain at Westminster, upon whence the sad future death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, as he will not out of greatest and most deepest respect despose her in life for the great service and selfless sacrifice that she and her husband HRH Prince Philip has rendered to this great nation.Take heed and rejoice, all Welshman, Scots, Manx, all Britons, and all citizens of this great nation called Great Britain, that the light of freedom and egalitarianism shall be promoted and promulgated, that democracy and all democratic values will be promoted, and that Lady Britania who has contributed so much to the culture and history of the world shall be renewed and made great once again; for the legend was not a myth but was indeed true, and more than a mere Tolkien story, that the men of the West are now returning and now is the time of the return of the King.”

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John Goodman in 1991’s “King Ralph.” (Universal Pictures)

According to the Independent
A man called Allan V. Evans from Wheat Ridge, Colorado, attempted to claim 400 acres of land in Twiggs county in 2012, claiming that his ancestors had lived there. He said his evidence was destroyed in a fire at the county courthouse in 1901.

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An American Man Claims The British Throne Says He is The Rightful Descendant

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