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Poll: More Than 3 in 4 Americans Reacted Positively To Trump’s Congress Address – Which One Were You?

According to a CNN/ORC poll three out of four Americans nodded positively to President’s Tuesday night address. 57% of the speech watchers said they see it positively while 21% described their reactions “almost positive.” However, a pinch of 21% said they responded negatively.
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A latest survey comprising of 509 Americans who watched President’s speech to the congress has a slightest marginal error of 4.5% points. CNN polls had 8% more Republicans than the Democrats and reported that politically conscious people who like to watch political addresses liked President’s on Thursday and they seemed a lot more receptive to the speaker.
Donald Trump
President Trump on Tuesday addressed a joint session of congress and discussed his envisaged policy agenda briefly. The speech lacked his fiery tone and ballistic speech-making style that was seen positively by the masses to tackle country’s lurking issues.
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“Everything that is broken in our country can be fixed,” he said. “Every problem can be solved. And every hurting family can find healing, and hope.”

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Poll: More Than 3 in 4 Americans Reacted Positively To Trump’s Congress Address – Which One Were You?

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