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Facts About The Human Body That Are Amazing But Least Known By Us

There are a lot of amazing and eerie discoveries about the human body, though we have not fully understood it yet. Below are listed some of the amazing but least known facts of the human body.

1. Allergy as a Cancer Prevention:

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Among the reactions caused by the air borne allergens one of the most unpleasant is Hay Fever infact all these allergies have their own risks and problems. However there is a plus factor in allergies. It turns out that the air flowing through the allergens affects the immune system and the risk of cancer is reduced in allergics.

2. Syphilis is transmitted through kissing:

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Sexually Transmitted Infections are the scourge of modern society. Syphilis is disfiguring and a fatal disease, which is one of the most serious problems of sexually transmitted infectionsIt is believed that syphilis appeared in ancient times from contact with animals and unprotected sex.However, as it turned out, the disease can be transmitted through a simple kiss.

3. Different Color of the Eyes and the Size of the Mammary Glands:

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Some people are born with heterochromia or with a different eye color. One eye may be blue and the other hazel. Perhaps the cause is genetic mutation, a combination of different cellsMost people have an inborn traitbut in rare cases it can also be a result of treatment. More often than not it turns out that the left breast in women is slightly larger than the right.

4. Herpes, a possible cause of Blindness:

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In developed countries, about 60 per cent of the population carry the herpes simplex virus, which causes skin lesionsMost people take it as a viral disease, but herpes is potentially dangerous and is one of the major causes of blindness.

5. Our Bodies Remember It All:

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In traditional Western models of psychology and physiology the brain is usually regarded as an intellectual center, where thoughts are formed and memories stored.However, people who underwent organ transplants argue that something in their personality changed. Some researchers, gave the idea that people’s thoughts and memories can be manifested through the cellular memory of transplanted organs.

6. Optical Inversion:

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We must remember that our bodies do not always perceive things as they appear. When we look at somethingthe resulting image formed on the retina is invertedThus, our eyes see everything upside down, and only the brain turns the image. 







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Facts About The Human Body That Are Amazing But Least Known By Us

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