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10 Life Hacks That Just Might Kill You

It’s good to be thrifty, but try these at your own risk.

lh 1

  1. Do not ever micro-wave your spoon to scoop ice-cream easily.

lf 2

2. Never, throw out the wine.


salt and charcoal toothpaste 9

3. avoid wasting your time brushing your teeth by simply adding tooth-paste to your food but this does not equal brushing your teeth.

lh 5

4.Nothing is impossible.


lh 6

5. Don’t ever do that.


lh 7

6. Adding novelty to work, you’ll get better results.


lh 10

7. Right Step at the Right Time.


lh 8

8.’ On the Move’.


lh 9


sitting is killing you1

10. Sitting is seriously killing you.


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10 Life Hacks That Just Might Kill You

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