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5 Facts About Margot Robbie Will Make You Realize You Knew Less About Suicide Squad’s Notorious Harley Quinn

 There are many things people are unaware of about Margot Robbie the Australian actress that played the notoriously famous role of Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad. These five facts are a definite inclusion into the knowledge of her fans.

#1 Guest Appearance  “Neighbours

#2 Fantastic Four Audition


#5 Production House

Seeing her career scaling high she also have been venturing in the production. She founded the production company LuckyChap Entertainment with her friends. LuckyChop is currently producing the Thriller Terminal along with Tonya Harding biopic I, Tonya where she would be reprising the leading protagonist.
When asked about the production she replied
“Someone’s always going to be using your name, milking that and taking advantage of it. So, you might as well let your friends do it.” 
References: IMDB | Margot Robbie

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5 Facts About Margot Robbie Will Make You Realize You Knew Less About Suicide Squad’s Notorious Harley Quinn

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