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Midlife Crisis Force Hairy Husband to Get First Shave in Decades & Family Fails To Recognize Him

To get a regular shave is the practice we dont acknowledge much and we never pose any resistance to that too. Let alone the movie characters like Dumbledore or Gandalf The Grey of The Lord of The Rings’ “wizard” that meant there to be an experienced scion.

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The Rachael Ray show brought before the public a face never known before with a name “jeff” who was very desperate to get a new look.
He had been fed up with the prolonged look that had long hairs and beard for decades.

To tackle the issue and help Jeff, Rachael invited the famous RazzleDazzle Barbershop owner Elena Linares.


See what happens after he gets the shave

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Midlife Crisis Force Hairy Husband to Get First Shave in Decades & Family Fails To Recognize Him

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