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14 Year Old School Boy Jumps To His Death

The parents of a schoolboy who took his own life after he was relentlessly bullied because of his good grades have spoken for the first time about the tragedy. Mark and Anita Abel had said their son Sam, 14, “loved school and loved learning, but hated the people who were there” and that his death will “haunt” them for the rest of their lives.

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The teenager took his own life by jumping off a supermarket car park earlier this year after he was bombarded with spiteful messages on social media day and night.

An inquest heard how he had shared text messages with friends about his depression and suicidal thoughts before the tragic incident took place on January 8.


Sam, who was a pupil at Tudor Grange Academy School, suffered name calling, pranks and physical abuse before the bullies took to social media and he was receiving messages via Snapchat and Facebook messenger on a daily basis.

Sam’s dad, Mark said: “Snapchat messages only last seconds but when you are getting those messages constantly, the seconds add up and they broke him down in the end.”“It started as individuals but I think more people joined in with taunting him and it developed into cyber bullying.“We will never know how serious those messages were because the police cannot get access to the messages due to encryption.

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The poor boy was bullied mercilessly, it was both in and out of school. Sam confided in his friends and even the teaching staff, about his problem. But his parents were left in the dark about what their son was going through.

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14 Year Old School Boy Jumps To His Death

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