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Goat Whose Ears Got Burned Off Recovers In Cozy Hats

An inexperienced veterinarian burned the horn buds of an innocent baby goat.

In an interview to ‘the Dodo’ Leanne Lauracella, the founder of’Goats of Anarchy’ says, “I was so angry and upset. Its just a sweet little baby. How could they ever think of doing anything except kissing that head”?


The ten days old goat, Lawson, had the middle section of his hind legs missing. After the amputation he had to learn to walk using a special wheel chair cart. Lauracella further added that the original owner of the goat brought him here so that he would get special care.

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But before coming here the woman had gone to the vet where on the vet’s wrong advice she had got Lawson disbudded. But afterwards she was horrified with the results and blamed herself for the incident.


This practice of disbudding is quite common and the farmers often do it to prevent goats from getting caught in fencing and hurting other goats. Lauaracella believes that this practice is cruel and unnecessary as most of the goat’s blood vessels are present in their horns. They regulate the body temperature and help them to live according to the prevailing weather.


Lawson is doing fine in Lauracella’s care and she’s getting some cute hats to cover the terrible mutilation on his head.


Though it will take some time but the hair on Lawson’s head has started to grow back.

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More info: (h/t: The Dodo)

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Goat Whose Ears Got Burned Off Recovers In Cozy Hats

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