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These Awesome Artworks Are Actually Created From Old Books Ready to Be Recycled

The artists see books more than mere written material to be shelved after readong. They believe books can still be used even after reading. They did not stop just to saying that. They created amazing art pieces from the old books that were leftover after reading and ready to be recycled.

Artists likes of Claire Brewster and Loui Jover has done it cleverly besides many other artists. They converted cut-outs into masterpieces. Others such as Long-bin Chen, Maskull Lasserre and Thomas Wightman have created marvelous sculptures of old books.

Whereas, artists like Anouk Kurithof and Jan Reymond have carved old books into beautiful literary installations. All combined or each differently give a furbished look that define a unique art piece.

More info: MMM

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Artist: Thomas Wightman

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These Awesome Artworks Are Actually Created From Old Books Ready to Be Recycled

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