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US Army Photographer Captures Moment of Her Death in Afghanistan

The American Military has released a photo taken by a U.S. Army camerawoman at the time she along with four Afghans were killed in an explosion.

Hilda Clayton 22-year-old camerawoman with four Afghan Army soldiers were reported dead when a mortar shell went off during a training session on 2nd July, 2013.

Besides, a photo of Clayton’s Afghan SPC trainee is also released by US Army who was being trained in photojournalism. He was found dead too.

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Photo: US Army

The unfortunate accident took place in Afghan province Laghman.

The Military Review Magazine published the images in their issue. The army wrote in the edition, “Clayton’s death symbolises how female soldiers are increasingly exposed to hazardous situations in training and in combat on par with their male counterparts.”

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Photo: US Army

The Clayton family permitted the photos to be published.

The Army said that “Not only did Clayton help document activities aimed at shaping and strengthening the [US-Afghan] partnership but she also shared in the risk by participating in the effort.”

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Photo: US Army

The US State of Georgia, has named an award after Clayton’s name in honour by the Defense Department. The photography enthusiast in Army must pass technical and physical skills to qualify for Spc Hilda Clayton Best Combat Camera award.

Via: BBC

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US Army Photographer Captures Moment of Her Death in Afghanistan

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