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This Giant Iceberg Floated to Newfoundland And The Tourists Are Swarming in To Photograph it

This small town in Newfoundland, Canada has suddenly started attracting crowds of the tourists. Most importantly for visiting this giant iceberg. According to a Canadian News CBC declared that the Easter weekend the Southern Shore highway near the town of Ferryland was blocked with traffic and photographers. All of them pulled in to take snaps of the ice mountain afloat.

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Photo: Reuters

The area off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador known as “Iceberg alley” because of the giant ice blocks keep drifting and seeping from the arctic every spring.

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Photo: Reuters

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These icebergs mostly get locked into sea ice, which can last to the end of spring but this one looks amazingly grounded seems to be there for a long time told by Mayor Adrian Kavanagh to The Canadian Press.

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Photo: Reuters

This iceberg is quite large and gigantic. Most of the people ran aground when they veer near the coast.

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This Giant Iceberg Floated to Newfoundland And The Tourists Are Swarming in To Photograph it

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