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POLL: Dont You Think Trump is C Ronaldo of Politics – He Got Right to Kick Anyone He Finds Unfit?

POLL: Dont You Think Trump is C Ronaldo of Politics – He Got Legitimate Right to Kick Anyone He Finds Unfit?

Today everyone thinks Donald Trump has landed from an outer space the way people are relating him to.

Bill Clinton received standing ovation when he suggested to build a border wall-Trump has received criticism?

Democrats Wanted to impose same ban back in Obama era and they were never this much criticized.

When Hillary was contesting against Obama last election, they talked a lot of bullshit against one an other and now they are friends? What is this?

Donald Trump got legally elected and he has been criticized? Therefore, dont you think he got every right to kick the unfits and be a CR of politics?


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POLL: Dont You Think Trump is C Ronaldo of Politics – He Got Right to Kick Anyone He Finds Unfit?

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