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Is Netflix Really Embarking On A ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ Service?

Netflix, arguably the largest and most popular streaming site for tv shows and movies is a common household name. Recently, a close source to the Daily Mail revealed that this streaming empire is working on a new feature that will allow users “to connect plot points in a variety of ways with your TV remote.”

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Known as the ‘choose your own adventure’ approach, this is a way of engaging the public even more so to their favourite entertainment shows and allowing them to put their own spin on classic storylines.

Who wouldn’t want to make sure their beloved character stays alive on The Walking Dead or the next season of Game of Thrones? The concept is truly amazing. It won’t be long till it is embraced fully by a loving crowd, that’s for sure!

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Maybe that’s what this giant in the world of entertainment, Netflix, is secretly aiming for. Only the future will reveal whether Netflix can indeed pull off this admittedly huge and frankly daunting endeavour or not!

No official sources at Netflix have yet confirmed or denied this possible future venture- but don’t be surprised when they do!

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Is Netflix Really Embarking On A ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ Service?

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