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Another Severe Blow to Ivanka Trump’s Fashion Line

It looks like all the major stores have been after Trump Family’s products and following the trend of removing their brands gradually one-by-one. Recently Yahoo Style published a news about Burlington Coat Factory’s take down of Ivanka’s items from the online store.


According to the Yahoo Style on Friday, Burlington (formerly known as the Burlington Coat Factory) removed the famous Ivanka Trump fashion products from online outlet.


According to Shannon Coulter the lady behind the twitter moment “GrabYourWallet, there were 13 Ivanka Trump products available online previously for sale and within the short of span of time all disappeared from the website. Yahoo Style reached the store for a comment.

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Burlington is following the other outlets that have stopped hosting Ivanka Trump’s fashion line.

It is still unclear why the brand has been taken down and the website has not commented on the removal yet.

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Another Severe Blow to Ivanka Trump’s Fashion Line

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