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An Economic Rise is Impatiently Awaited in The Pro-Trump Area of America

PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, Wis. (AP) — She tugged 13 envelopes from a cabinet above the stove, each one labeled with a different debt: the house payment, the student loans and stuff she bought on credit etc.


According to AP- Crawford County of Wisconsin left Democrats for Trump last year. Some of its 16,000 citizens shared their views regarding an economic pace after being left out and behind for years in Trump’s America.

“Lydia Holt tugs 13 envelopes from a cabinet above the stove, each one labeled with a different debt: the house payment, the student loans, the vacuum cleaner she bought on credit.”AP

Lydia with her husband tugged money into various envelopes with paychecks named to each what they owed. They both earn $10 collectively per hour and with two kids to lookafter it becomes difficult to manage that much. After a little calculation she said that they’d be paying the same bills, at this rate, for next 87 years.

Holt, voted for Obama in 2012 because a change was promised by Obama, but she believes it never entered the domains, so last year she chose to vote Donald Trump who promised to help America prosper again.

lydia holt
Lydia Holt, left, talks her stepson, Carter, 7, into going to bed at their home in Wauzeka, Wis., Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2017. Holt, who makes $400 a week as an assistant at a law firm and whose husband doesn’t do much better at a car parts store, worry that by the time their sons grow up there will be nothing left for them here. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

“I’m hoping that our country starts to be run like a business, that’s my main thing,” she said. “I’m tired of personally living in debt. I’m tired of our country being in debt. And we need to start taking care of our people.”

She is quite excited the way Trump administration has taken matters seriously and made decisions in a month.

A train travels over the Mississippi River in Prairie du Chien, Wis., Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2017. So many voters switched from blue to red in some 50 counties stretching 300 miles down the Mississippi River, through Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois, that it transformed in one election season into Donald Trump Country. (AP Photo/David Goldman)


There’s a man who owns an engine repair shop and struggles to keep the lights on, and a bartender who cringes when he sees “Made in China” printed on American goods.

Below– an ice fisherman walks out on a frozen portion of the Mississippi River in Prairie du Chien, Wis., Friday, Jan. 20, 2017. In this corner of middle America, in this one, small slice of the nation that sent Trump to Washington, they are watching and they are waiting, their hopes pinned on his promised economic renaissance. And if four years from now the change he pledged hasn’t found them here, the people of Crawford County might change again to someone else.

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(AP Photo/David Goldman)

Just 15% of adults possess college degrees, half the national average yet the ratio of people living in poverty is below the country as a whole

All stories in the Wisconsin are nearly similar to one an other. The people are tired of living the miserable lives, they have been cheated by the politicians, laws and the officials for decades.

“If you ask anybody here, we’ll all tell you the same thing: We’re tired of living like this. We’ve been railroaded, run over by the politicians and run over by laws,” said Mark Berns, leaning through the service window in the small-engine repair shop downtown that he can barely keep open anymore. He drives a 14-year-old truck with 207,000 miles on it because he doesn’t make enough profit to buy a new one. AP

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An Economic Rise is Impatiently Awaited in The Pro-Trump Area of America

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