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Some Rallies in Various States “No Ban No Wall”

The protesters rallied in California on Saturday, including immigration ban activists and anti-Trump owing to the beginning of deportation across the USA.

Anti Trump Immigration protest in Los Angeles Associated Press
Ringo H.W. Chu / Associated Press

San Diego

The San Diego Union Tribune had reported that activists estimated 4000 took to the streets chanting slogans.

“No ban, no wall, sanctuary for all!”



“We are telling Trump and his people we will not tolerate the senseless acts of hate and the bigotry that are going on in Washington, D.C., and in the White House,” The organizer M. Abdullah said.

Los Angeles

The Los Angeles Times reported the demonstrators said that L.A. has remained a sanctuary city by not cooperating with immigration ban Executive Order signed by President Trump.

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People gathered in downtown LA on Saturday, Feb. 18, 2017 to march in protest of President Trump’s immigration policies and to call on city leaders to make Los Angeles a sanctuary city.

 Andrea Castillo and Emily Alpert Reyes of the Times reported:

“Large American, Mexican and LGBT flags dotted the scene. Many marchers held home-drawn signs, some with likenesses of the Statue of Liberty and President Trump. Other signs carried phrases like ‘No human is illegal’ and ‘Cut your own (expletive) grass!’”


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Some Rallies in Various States “No Ban No Wall”

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