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70 Killed in A Chemical Attack in Douma, Syria

BEIRUT, Lebanon — More than a dozen Syrians have been choked to death when a suspected chemical attack struck the rebel-held suburban area of Douma, sending a stream of patients with burning eyes and breathing problems to medical clinics and sparking chaos, aid groups claimed on Sunday.


The para-medical and rescue groups have blamed President Bashar al-Assad’s toppled government for the attack on the suburb, east of Damascus, that took place after dusk on Saturday.

Foreign governments have alarmed the allies and people at the reports of an attack which looks very chemical in nature, and the British Foreign Consulate immediately called for an immediate investigation, saying that if the use of chemical weapons proved to be true, “it is further proof of Assad’s brutality.”

The Rescue teams have reported to have located at least 42 people dead in their homes from apparently suffocation, and anti-government activists circulated videos of lifeless men, women and children sprawled all over floors.


The state-run news media circles in Syria have denied that government forces had used any chemical weapons and accused the rebels who are fighting against the government that controls Douma, the Army of Islam, is trying to fabricate the videos to solicit international support through foreign news and social media as they foresee a defeat.

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Besides, the Russian Defense Ministry also denied  “No chemical weapons were used”, said the press release.

According to Aljazeera at least 70 people have died due to chemical attack in Douma

“Syrian medics say at least 70 people have been killed in a suspected chemical attack in the rebel stronghold of Douma in Eastern Ghouta. The Syrian government is calling it a fabrication. The military has intensified its bombardment of Douma in recent days after talks with rebels collapsed.”

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70 Killed in A Chemical Attack in Douma, Syria

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