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5 Major Crises of The World & Myriad Stories Defining UNICEF’s Selfless Services in 2016

2016 had been a year of worldwide challenges and an unbridgeable upheaval so far. The refugee problems both migration and refugee crisis  has displaced 50 million children that are left vulnerable to exploitation. In Haiti alone the destruction caused by Hurricane Matthew left 2.7 million people in emergent need of life-saving assistance. Besides, children in Syria, Iraq and Yemen needed the same very attention.

Here are the 5 major golden jobs done by UNICEF for children during these crises.

#1 Syrian Crisis

A UNICEF staff member holds Limar on her lap. Limar was suffering from malnutrition and was near death when she was brought to Madaya’s makeshift hospital in January. She is now recovering and will be able to lead a healthy life.
When UNICEF first met Mohammed, he was malnourished and extremely weak. See how he is doing now.
Mohammed sits with the UNICEF Syria Representative in January 2016. Just a few months ago, he was severely malnourished, and extremely weak and fragile.

#2 Nigeria Regional Crisis

UNICEF shared this story of a 7 year-old baby Malak. UNICEF’s role has remained very crucial.

#3 The fight against cholera in Yemen

Six-year-old Arafat has been suffering from cholera for the past two weeks. Already chronically malnourished, Arafat is being treated at Sana’a Al Sabayeen hospital which is supported by UNICEF.

#4 South Sudan

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Athill, 28, brought her twins to the site for treatment of severe malnutrition. At eight months, they weigh the same as newborn babies with the boy weighing just four kilograms and the girl a little over three.
“The twins receive a ration of therapeutic food once every week,” said Athill.

#5 Iraq

Iraq has been under the grip of raw violence. The children being abducted, illegally recruited and sexually exploited. UNICEF has done wonderful work there too. Here are the few glimpses.

Noor fled her home in Haji Ali and is now taking shelter with her family in Debaga Camp. “I don’t want to go back to a different school. I miss my school in Haji Ali,” she said. October 3, 2016

Amir, 6, poses for a photo in Debaga Camp on 04 October, 2016
As of mid-October 2016, there are approximately 33,000 displaced Iraqis in Debaga Camp.

In the mid of October 2016, there were approximately 33,000 displaced Iraqis in Debaga Camp. Most had fled conflict in Mosul, Hawiga, Shirqat, and Al Qayyarah. The respective authorities and humanitarian agencies were struggling to find space and resources to provide for all of the new on that time, specially unrecoverable major humanitarian funding gap for Iraq.
UNICEF is building schools, providing water and sanitation, child protection support, health and nutrition services, and distributing emergency response kits to vulnerable families in the camps to all the five places. There could not be done anything better than UNICEF’s has been doing. The only problem is there is always a shortage of funds that hinders the humanitarian services there.

Credits & Copy Rights UNICEF




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5 Major Crises of The World & Myriad Stories Defining UNICEF’s Selfless Services in 2016

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