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20+ Most Creative Facebook Timeline Covers That Will Make You Want One of Them

Facebook timeline creativity matters too. It is like an apparel these days with same value like our clothes. We have collected some of the really outstanding facebook covers that will tantalize you to make one.

#1kay int veen

Kay Int Veen. Nice use of Polaroid-style photo to introduce the profile owner!


nagaraj vijayarangan

Nagaraj Vijayarangan. This guy has tried a lot to show some visual talent.


murat cizer

Murat Çizer shown very creative side of his. This is probably the coolest.


mohammad l azzam

Mohammad L. Azzam foolishness is seen when we are too hungry to give attention to anything else lol.

#5mentes nihat baran

Menteş Nihat Baran. I’m always curious about the difference between touching the alien’s finger and touching the God’s finger.

#6maarten walraven

Maarten Walraven This shark is going to eat Maarten alive. It looks more real on his profile.

#7louise lundberg

Louise Lundberg: Look at her reaction in the second photo.

#8jorgen broms

Jörgen Bröms such a serious face with an amusing saying written up there.

#9johnny gigantic

Johnny Gigantic this timeline cover looks more creative on his timeline.

#10jessica barnard

Jessica Barnard. Such a lovely vintage timeline cover.

#11jerome vadon

Jerome Vadon. A beautiful way to introduce yourself.

#12jeremy bronson

Jeremy Bronson. A change of thought in the shape of Jeremy.

#13gianmarco carrieri

#14giuseppe draicchio

#15helbert campos


florim i qerimi

#17fabio maravilla

#18enk shahbaz mehdi

#19aly moffatt

#20antonio fadda


#22richard karstrom

Jeremy Bronson. This one is not beyond creativity, and it is simply done. Bravo!

via: hongkiat

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20+ Most Creative Facebook Timeline Covers That Will Make You Want One of Them

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