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Analyst Show How Trump Resembles Margaret Thatcher More Than Reagan & All The Hate Will Subside Soon

 Newt Gingrich, a Republican of Georgia, had been the speaker of the house from 1995-to-99 and who served for the Trump transition team.

The British P Minister Theresa is going to be the first foreign leader to meet President Elect Donald Trump and it is very obvious that consider the resemblance of Donald Trump to Thatcher more than Reagan who is the real model for trump team.

140225124143 newt gingrich profile full 169photo credit: CNN

Last Friday’s inauguration speech delivered by Trump directly dictated the attributes of Thatcher’s speech. Trump clearly declared that his unbiased stand is quite bold but for the change and the victory is of American People and should be regarded as one.

His speech was not directed to receive the mercy of peers. Instead it was the clear indication of loyalty to the Americans against the long established power structures that might eat its foundation like a termite.



Additionally, it being honestly true showed a threat to the leftists lobbies or at least they thought that to be so. In this challenging dimension to the old power wielders and ideologists he resembled Thatcher far more than Reagan did.

Reagan standpoint was and he succeeded to break the power house of Soviet Union not the political mainstream, wrongly, empowered by elite media houses that has become the dominant propagandists of the United States of America. Although Reagan frightened them yet they were not invigorated by him.

Contrarily, Trump is stand, as it seems until now, a direct threat to the leftist ideology and the power structure. The leftists have realized it and are trying to respond the way British leftists responded to Thatcher previously.

The public shutdown and vandalism posed by young liberals on inauguration day is a similar hostility was done to Thatcher’s ascension.

The democrats’ decision to denounce and stand against every step Trump takes and vows to introduce shows the similar attitude previously shown by the Labour Party of the United Kingdom to Thatcher than the then House Speaker Tip O’Neill’s nuance to Reagan’s policies. Almost one-third of the Democrats had voted for Reagan’s economic program during the summer 1981. It is unquestionably happening today too in the House.

The left during Thatcher’s regime became so hostile that it continued its bitterness towards her policies every now and then and drifted from the mainstream at large. The famous phrase “LOONEY LEFT” emerged then to indirectly speak of the Labour Party in 1987’s election.

Today, the hysterical left in America as Elizabeth Warren-George Soros wing speaks to its very partisans only has been quite bizarre to look at. Consider the reflections of last week’s anti-Trump marchers and the vulgarity disposed by them the way they claimed to blow the White House Down. That hostility has repelled a majority of Americans instead.

Claire Berlinski’s famous book on Thatcher “There Is No Alternative: Why Margaret Thatcher Matters” imparts the two major stream historic goals of Thatcher. Firstly, Thatcher became the enlightened representative to destroy Socialistic germs; secondly, she determined to break down Arthur Scargill’s Coal Miners Union that was the powerful structure with direct major influence and was threatening to Parliament’s very right to govern independently.

Thatcher viewed and believed socialism being a force that was destroying the hard-earned individual entrepreneurship which she felt at the heart of Britain’s succession. Her campaign against it was morally correct.

She also believed that Scargill was very often challenging the legitimacy of the government elected through popular vote.

Thatcher analyzed the situation if socialism prevails on the expense of coal miners union that was aimed at dictating its own terms, the Great Britain would become entirely a different place. She witnessed herself being a Churchillian fighter in depth.

President Elect Donald Trump’s decisive disposition to putting up a Churchillian bust in the Oval Office indicates the same ideology.

Same like Thatcher did, Trump is trying to reduce if not destroy the illegitimate power of the left lobbyists and bureaucratic power structures in D.C. His all actions if seen unbiased are aimed at restoring the law and order. He is a vital force himself who has many projects in mind.

It is no denying the fact that May is going to be the first foreign representative to meet Trump as the ties between the United Kingdom and the USA are pivotal in the world politics as well. He instinctively want a very cordial alliance with Britain himself.

Barack Obama was warning that the voting for Brexit would ultimately put Britain on the back of line and Trump believes it would do otherwise. Britain is without a doubt a country that is deeply influenced through out the history by the main power stream change  in the USA than any other country.


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Analyst Show How Trump Resembles Margaret Thatcher More Than Reagan & All The Hate Will Subside Soon

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