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18 Wonderful Waterfalls of The World To Visit And Marvel At

Mother nature is kind, adorable and awesome. It reveals its bouquet of beauty through various wonders in the world. When we find them and hear about them we must visit them physically. Here are some of the awe-striking waterfalls of the world to visit.

#1 Huangguoshu Waterfall, China

3. Huangguoshu Waterfall, China


#2 Elakala Waterfalls, West Virginia

2. Elakala Waterfalls, West Virginia


#3 Multnomah Falls, Oregon

 1. Multnomah Falls, Oregon

#4 Jog Falls, India

4. Jog Falls, India

#5 Basaseachic Falls, Mexico

 5. Basaseachic Falls, Mexico

#6 Takakkaw Fall,s Canada

 6. Takakkaw Fall,s Canada

#7 Sutherland Falls, NZ

7. Sutherland Falls, NZ

#8 Yinlinanzhuitan Waterfall, China

8. Yinlinanzhuitan Waterfall, China

#9 Baatara Gorge Waterfall, Lebanon

 9. Baatara Gorge Waterfall, Lebanon

#10 Ventisquero Colgante Falls, Chile

10. Ventisquero Colgante Falls, Chile

#11 Giessbach Falls, Swiss

11. Giessbach Falls, Swiss

#12 Kaieteur Falls, Guyana

12. Kaieteur Falls, Guyana

#13 Gullfoss Waterfall, Iceland

 13. Gullfoss Waterfall, Iceland

#14 South Falls, Silver Falls State Park, Oregon

14. South Falls, Silver Falls State Park, Oregon

#15 Yosemite Falls, California

15. Yosemite Falls, California

#16 Tegenungan Waterfall, Bali

16. Tegenungan Waterfall, Bali

#17 Angel Falls, Venzuela

17. Angel Falls, Venzuela

#18 Huka Falls, New Zealand

18. Huka Falls, New Zealand
These are few of the waterfalls that everyone must visit and see. They remind us the fact that we are part of the mother nature and we feel very comfortable sense of belonging being there.

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18 Wonderful Waterfalls of The World To Visit And Marvel At

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