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The Sisterhood of Zoe & Izzy Got Their Personal Instagram Profile

Meet these two European cats that got their personal instagram account. They have been famous and being followed by 7.7k followers. These are the two sisters and love to remain close with each other.

The one with heart-shape on her chest is Zoe and the other sister Izzy. They are very beautiful cats.


Here are some of the glimpses through their profile updates

14498952 2098909223668207 5032022832620503040 n

Says, “No WAY”

14515785 1786429334933093 4261700004038574080 n

My sister seems angry

14547666 1185800091511111 2381708250673315840 n

Seem to be listening to Jazz and one Zoe seems very interested in 14561885 372420583090105 2153085814362341376 n 14564940 1302313276486371 6698024377402785792 n 14564946 1101854359900347 2643195798208118784 n 14566751 671872146327649 5999581765004427264 n

During a conversation, Izzy is like, “OMG! Really.”

14574249 2128149270743082 3511540943104770048 n 14590997 1125899220830032 666875603500138496 n 14592200 641619319354043 6728579500596002816 n 14596808 1796516487261937 7104824399571714048 n 14705185 1208294349194003 8023046668964331520 n 14718549 210105962747674 6886047144994668544 n 14733564 242340462848353 1446817127305576448 n 15035620 238285826590959 4226030373659738112 n 15043700 556413781229438 2563267775384518656 n


15046893 708040396014385 5993681965998407680 n 15101567 565540603656852 8366336017589862400 n 15275466 356019048088460 8999287375225946112 n

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The Sisterhood of Zoe & Izzy Got Their Personal Instagram Profile

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