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Mourning Mother Shares The Last Moments of Her Precious 3-Year-Old Son’s Life in The Hospital

An aggrieved mother has shared the last moments of her life with her cancer-ridden son. Ruth, Nolan’s mother has shared her precious moments with her son. Her son, Nolan had been fighting Rhabdomyosarcoma, an extremely rare soft tissue cancer, since November 2015.

Nolan’s awareness page published the post,”Two months. Two months since I’ve held you in my arms, heard how much you loved me, kissed those sweetie “pie” lips.

“I’ve wanted for a long time to write a little about Nolan’s last days. His last few days shined with how amazing my son is. How beautiful he is. How he was made of nothing but pure love.”

She explained the criticalness of her son’s final days in hospital in the post. The post had two featured images of Nolan where he was lying down by the shower that she was using.

“About 9:00pm we were watching YouTube in bed (Peppa Pig actually) and I asked Nolan if I could get in the shower, as I was not allowed to leave him and Mommy had to be touching him at all times. He said “Ummmm ok Mommy. Have Uncle Chris come sit with me and I’ll turn this way so I can see you”.

She added: “I stood at the bathroom door, turned to him and said “Keep looking right here Poot, I’ll be out in two seconds”. He smiled at me. I shut the bathroom door. According to the details when the door clicked shut he drowned into long sleep, began the last phase of his life.


“When I opened the bathroom door, his Team was surrounding his bed and every head turned and looked at me with tears in their eyes. They said “Ruth, he’s in a deep sleep. He can’t feel anything”. He was breathing heavily with a right-lung collapsed and was in extreme labor until finally his oxygen dropped.

“I ran and jumped into bed with him and put my hand on the right side of his face. Then a miracle that I will never forget happened…”

“My angel took a breath, opened his eyes, smiled at me and said “I Love You Mommy”, turned his head towards me and at 11:54 pm Sgt. Rollin Nolan Scully passed away as I was singing “You are My Sunshine” in his ear.

“He woke up out of a coma to say he loved me with a smile on his face! My son died a Hero. He brought Communities together, different occupations, made a difference in people’s lives all around the world. He was a warrior who died with dignity and love to the last second.”

Nolan With his Favorite Hat

Full Story: Nolan Strong

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Mourning Mother Shares The Last Moments of Her Precious 3-Year-Old Son’s Life in The Hospital

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