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“President Trump Lacks Substance” Richard Gere

Veteran Actor Richard Gere said, “President Trump lacks the substance just like a burger without the fillet.”

Gere was in Berlin for the promotion of his upcoming flick “The Dinner”. The movie is about a politician who is faced with toughest options to choose from.

richard gere on trump

The Pretty Woman actor commented on Trump saying:

“He has pushed it to the limit.”

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He was being interviewed last Friday by Associated Press where he quoted a 80s commercial wherein a customer is handed a giant burger and he asks after casting a look at it, “WHERE’S THE BEEF?”

Richard Gere Wallpapers

He further added,

“with him, there’s no beef there, there’s no protein, there’s no center, there’s no resonance.”



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“President Trump Lacks Substance” Richard Gere

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