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Relaxing in a Hot Spring Tolantongo Mexico Infinity Pool Overlooking Volcanic Mountains

Las Grutas Tolantongo or the Tolantongo caves is a natural collection of hot spring pools constructed in Hidalgo. It is on the drive of three or four hours northeast of Mexico City. This natural luxury is beautifully built and the tourists find them strikingly amazing.

These pools get filled with warm and soothing natural stream of water which get heat from the volcanic mountains. Besides, the tunnels and caves are there to be explored by the adventure lovers.

A hot spring river flows through the mountains along with a waterslide and pool for children.

A glimpse into the beauty of Tolantongo caves

Photo: Pinterest – Tolantongo Hot Springs – Mexico
Tolantongo Hot Springs – Mexico
visitors tolantongo hot springs mexico HOTSPRINGS0317
mountain view tolantongo hot springs mexico HOTSPRINGS0317
EJ0A2K Mexico

jungle waterfall tolantongo hot springs mexico HOTSPRINGS0317
E7F26F Falls and mineral formations at the Tolantongo Hot Springs in Hidalgo, Mexico.

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Relaxing in a Hot Spring Tolantongo Mexico Infinity Pool Overlooking Volcanic Mountains

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