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Photographer Captures ‘Hardships Revealing’ Photos of Stray Cats That Tell Their Secret Lives on Streets

Astray cats adorn a beautiful fixture to our lovely neighborhood. They stroll all around through out the day. It is very difficult to know where they spend their whole day before coming to the door for a tuna fix. Generally, all cats are beautiful.

Gabrielius Khiterer, a 19-year-old photographer has spent days to capture the secret lives of his feline neighbors. These photos display their facial expressions as they have been taken from a closer angle, their intensity of emotions is captured well.

Flawed or favorite, Khiterer has successfully captured them both with dual similitude of attitudes simultaneously. These portraits reveal their journey on streets and signs of fight with other animals scratches and crippled parts that bear their bodies.

Thanks to Khiterer’s efforts to bring to us hardships faced by our feline neighbors that we rarely get a chance to observe.

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More info DYT/MMM

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Photographer Captures ‘Hardships Revealing’ Photos of Stray Cats That Tell Their Secret Lives on Streets

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