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Heart-Breaking Story Of An Elephant Who Had 27 Owners But Was Caged For 50 Long Years

The elephants for centuries were used for transportation, the royals used them for their magnificence and grandeur. Presently elephants are used for carrying the luggage of people, tree trunks and all that man is unable to do. The elephants are given away per request of the governments’ ministers and sometimes as gifts. In addition to more traditional occupations, today mahouts, the elephant riders, keepers are a prized occupation for logging and tourism industries.

With the scientific evolution the machinery has come in place so the elephants have been spared the onerous task of transportation, but now its tusks, skin, tail hair et al have been used for commercial purposes. Even then in some regions of the world they still are used by mahouts to goad elephants by using their devilish bullhooks or ankus for training and handling of elephants. . Not all the elephants can be saved on the planet but they must be saved from the horrors of the mankind. And, Wildlife SOS-UK did do it when it rescued an elephant from the Northern region of Uttar Pradesh, India and transferred it to the Elephant Conservation and Care Centre in Mathura. Raju – the poor animal was kept incarcerated for fifty long years and then the Wildlife SOS-UK people could get it freed from this captivity.

The information and data collected in the following paragraph tells us the horrors and tortures Raju has been through and the courageous attempts made by the UK based organization to rescue it.

  1. 1 Raju The Elephant.

    anr 1

    Till date, almost 27 people have owned Raju before Pooja Binepal of Wildlife SOS-UK came to rescue it with a strong team of 10 veterinary doctors and wildlife experts from the charity, working from Palmers Green, North London. They were also assisted by 20 Forestry Commission officers and two policemen on July 3, 2014.

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Heart-Breaking Story Of An Elephant Who Had 27 Owners But Was Caged For 50 Long Years

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