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Got Catitude? This Company is Paying You For Spending Time With Cats All Day Long

This company is looking for someone with catitude to cuddle cats all day. No joke, the lucky should have natural love for feline fellows.

It looks like too good to be true, take a deep breath and ruffle through attentively. This is no joke. A Dublin Vet clinic, has posted a job opening for a “Cat Cuddler” to join their team. This is probably the best way to earn being a cat lover.

More info: JustCats|Facebook|EliteDaily

Here are the Must-haves for a desirable candidate

Based in Clonsilla, Dublin 15, we are Dublin’s only veterinary clinic for just cats. We are looking for someone to work with our feline friendly staff in a ‘no dogs’ veterinary clinic.

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The ideal candidate must have gentle hands capable of petting and stroking cats for long periods of time.

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They need to be softly spoke and capable of cat whispering to calm the nerves of some of our in patients.

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An ability to understand different types of purring is a distinct added advantage in helping you secure this position with us.

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If this sounds like you, email us your cover letter, CV to [email protected]

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A veterinary council of Ireland recognised qualification is essential for this role.

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Just Cats veterinary Clinic, Coolmine Road, Clonsilla, Dublin 15


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Got Catitude? This Company is Paying You For Spending Time With Cats All Day Long

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