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Is NASA’s Rover Being Stalked on Mars By An Armored Alien?

Recently a youtube channel uploaded a video that shows NASA being stalked by a Martian. The channel is all given to It shows the possibility of two major things:

a) NASA being stalked.

b) Existence of life on Mars.

alien soldier on mars


According to the channel Paranormal Crucible the skull shows the signs of presence of aliens on Mars and the aliens might be stalking NASA.

The strange figure is not actually an alive thing that moves rather that is a skull looks like forsaken years ago.

Lets have a look at the video to clarify that.

The description says “Strange artifact found by the rover, appears to resemble a large skull, obviously alien in nature, could it be the remains of a Sasquatch or a bizarre Martian creature?”



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Is NASA’s Rover Being Stalked on Mars By An Armored Alien?

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