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Internet Celebrity Maru The Cat Tries Different Wigs After The Owner Builds A Trap Box And is Hilarious

Maru the 9-year-old Scottish cat has become an internet celebrity and is adored by thousands. The cat has 500k subscribers to Youtube channel alone and they impatiently wait for the videos depicting her.

Not only that, he holds the record for being extensively watched on Youtube. The claim to fame for Maru is her stunt-full videos that feature her. The people love to watch her mastery with Boxes. She does wonderfully.

Her recent stunt was when she tried various wigs that was actually a trap created by the owner. She was tricked into the wig-boxes and tried all of them.

Here are some of them

black bob

blonde braids

maru green curls

maru the famous box conquering c


Maru trying wigs.

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Internet Celebrity Maru The Cat Tries Different Wigs After The Owner Builds A Trap Box And is Hilarious

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