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The Gamer From Giza’s Game Graphics Will Stick You To This Game All Night

Ahmed Selim from Giza is an indie game developer and illustrator. He has done a lot of incredible things in career including illustrating game graphics. Look at these graphics they have so much magnetism that will keep you stick to the game as long as your limbs and senses allow you.

He is way too much of an expert than you could possibly think.

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Here are some of the glimpses

33c17047108497.587042f707fe1 206d9947108497.587042f709acc 217b7e47108497.587042f708cb2 339acb47108497.587042f7077f9 96818b47108497.587042f707001 b72fc947108497.587042f708637 d7573647108497.587042f709316 f8916747108497.587042f70a0d1



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The Gamer From Giza’s Game Graphics Will Stick You To This Game All Night

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